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- t. 1
- T.Confusum, huiles essentielles, Lavandula dentata, concentrations létale, toxicité, bio marqueurs 1
- tabac, altérations, sanguines, biochimiques, fumeurs, sensibilisation, tabagisme 1
- Takaful insurance, Islamic banking, Malaysian Experience, Takaful insurance applications 1
- tannage, peau, cuir, bétail, machine, dépouillage, marmite, gélatine, colle animale, mimosa 1
- Tap water, analyzes physicochemical, microbiological. 1
- Targeted cost, cost reduction, cost reduction methods. 1
- tatouage numérique, la transformée discrète en cosinus (DCT) la transformée discrète en ondelettes (DWT) 1
- Tatouage numérique, SVD, Transformée en ondelettes (DWT). 1
- taux de réduction, déformation plastique, résistance à la traction, dureté, traitement thermique. 2
- Tax , The taxpayer , tax fraud , tax control , sanctions 1
- tax base, progress ratio method, completion method, construction contracts, financial accounting system, international accounting standard No. 11 1
- tax collection, collection mechanisms, single punitive tax, taxpayers, tax control. 1
- Tax control, public treasury, tax proceeds, tax evasion 1
- Tax evasion, tax control 1
- tax reforms, tax collection, budget revenues, tax incentives, investments 1
- tax revenues on public expenditures: period (1990-2022): Algeria 1
- Tax revenues; Ordinary taxation; Petroleum taxation; Public expenditures; Public budget. 1
- tax review, general revenue, tax evasion 1
- tax review, tax risk, and fiscal statements 1