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- W_FP ,MoSi2 ,الخواص البلوریة، الخواص المرونیة، الخواص الالكترونیة 1
- Warehouse, OLAP Cube Hadoop, MapReduce, Cloud, Hive, SQL Server, SQL, HQL 1
- Waste management, GIS, Tebessa city. 1
- wastewater, metals, aquatic macrophytes, phytoepuration 1
- Water electromagnetization , Electromagneticfield , Water, Magnetization 1
- water extract, Ruta graveolens, Culiseta longiareolata, larvicidal activity. 1
- Water purification, water lens, oxidizing stress, stress indicator, water waste 1
- Water, water pollution, environment, aquatic ecosystems, eutrophication 1
- watershed, evolution, water levels, agricultural, aquifer 1
- Wave equation, memory term, stability, Lyaponov functional, delay term 1
- WBAN, Capteur médicaux, Agents intelligents, Consommation d’énergie, Durée de vie, Java. 1
- WBAN, Medical sensor, Intelligent agents, Energy consumption, Lifetime of WBAN, Java. 1
- weak solution,subsolution,supersolution,the Kirchho¤ operator 1
- web sémantique, RDF, Ontologie, Java, Eclipse 1
- Web sémantique: construction des requêtes: ontologie DBpédia: les connaissances 1
- Weight Status , sweet drinks, obesity, over weight, children 1
- Western Saharaconflict ; US foreignpolicy ; Trump’s administration, Morocco 1
- white stork (Ciconia ciconia), Cattle Egret(Bubulcus ibis), Biology cycle, BoulhafEdyr, Bekkaria, Tébessa 1
- white stork (Ciconia ciconia), the diet, the industrial zone, Boulhaf Edyr 1
- white stork (Ciconiaciconia), El Hammamet, El Kouif, Insecta, diet. 1