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Showing results 810 to 829 of 10616 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018-05-12Eco quartier, une nouvelle vision De l’urbanisme et de l’architecture Réalisation D’un Eco Quartier A Boulhaf Dyr –TébessaReggai, Yacine/ Encadre par Amokrane, Redouane; Reggai, Yacine
2022Eco- extraction des colorants naturelles a partir des plantesMessali, abdallah; djabri, abdellatife
2018Ecologie trophique de la Cigogne blancheCiconiaciconia L., 1785 (Aves, Ciconiidae) et du Héron garde-bœufs Bubulcus ibis L., 1758 (Aves,Ardeidae) dans deux localités de la région de Tébessa (El-Merdja et Ain-Zaroug).Hamaidia, yamina; Siouane, Amina
2023-06-10Ecophesiologie des arbres et arbustes en climat semi-aride de la wilaya de tébessaAOUN, Oubaida
2022Ecophysiologie des êtres vivants (Aspect comportemental)Benarfa, Noudjoud
2024Education in South Africa: Post-apartheid DilemmaRais, Lotfi Islem
2024-06-06Effect evaluation of Juniperus phoenicea essential oil on a certain biomarkers in mosquito larvaMANSOURI Wiam, SAHI Wissal
2023-06-15Effect of Cr doping on optical and electrical properties of ZnO thin films deposited by spray pyrolysis techniqueBENMERAD, Rahma
2023-06-17Effect of Cu doping on optical and electrical properties of ZnO thin films deposited by spray pyrolysis techniqueLEMOUCHI, Wafa
2021The Effect of Distance Learning on Learners’ Achievement The Case of The First and Second Masters students in Classroom Platformندى , ليلى , بن جرو الذيبربوش
2020The Effect of English Videos on Developing EFL Students’ Vocabulary and Pronunciation in the Speaking Skill The Case of Second- Year Students of English at Tebessa UniversityManel, Garmia, ABID BRAHMI
2022The Effect of Note-Taking on the Consecutive Interpretation Efficiency Among EFL Learners The Case of Master One Language Sciences Students at Larbi Tebessi University TebessaMAAFA, Kaouthar, Khaoula MAINA
2020The Effect of Project-Based Learning in Enhancing EFL Students’ Writing Skills The Case of Second Year LMD Students at LarbiTebessi University, TébessaKhaoula, Amal, OUNNAS ZEBDI
2024-06-06Effect of Ruta graveolens essential oil on certain biomarkers in Culiseta longiareolata larvea.MAIFI, Oumaima
2024-06-06Effect of Ruta montana essential oil on Culiseta longiareolata larvae: Toxicity and Biomarkers.MESSAI Aasma, GUERTI Youcef
2021-06-22Effect of solution molarity on physical properties of Nickel oxide thin films prepared by spray pyrolysis method.Fares, Ziad / Encadre par Diha Abdallah
2023-06-07Effect of Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) on biochemical and neurobehavioral disturbances induced by chronic restraint stress in an animal modelGUEHAIRIA Mohamed, TALEB Houssam Eddine
2020The Effectiveness of Culture-Based Techniques in Developing Young EFL Learners’ Speaking Proficiency The Views of EFL Teachers at Private Languages Schools in AlgeriaChaima, Rim, YOUSFI YOUSFI
2020The Effectiveness of Tutorial Sessions in Raising ESP Learners' Motivation The Case of PhD Learners at the Social Sciences Department – Larbi Tebessi University - TebessaSara, Rabia, SELLAT BOULAÂRES
2020The Effectiveness of Using English Subtitles Movies as a Successful Vocabulary Building Material in Secondary Schools The Case of Second Year Foreign Languages Students at Saadi Seddik Secondary School – Tebessa -Ismahane, Dalel, GRIB MANSOURI