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dc.contributor.authorHAMI Aya, SOUAIDIA Nour-
dc.identifier.citationUniversity of Martyr Sheikh Arab Tbesi Tebessaen_US
dc.description.abstractandcommunication,theinfluenceofgenderhaslongbeenrecognisedasasignificantfactor shapinglinguistic behaviour andinteractionpatterns.Withinthe context ofTV shows, understanding the role of gender in language selection and performance is particularlyrelevant. This study delves into the linguistic landscape of the Algerian talk show The WeekendShow to investigate the vocabulary choices and phonetic features employed by male and femalepenalists. By examining these language aspects, the aim is to shed light on the gendered languageoftheshow’spenalistsandexplorehowthesedifferencesmaygiverisetomiscommunication. This is achieved by carefully selecting episodes from The Weekend Show talk show, afteremploying a purposive sampling technique. The research follows a descriptive research designwhere extracted data is analysed through a directed content analysis. Through the analysis of thefindings,severalkeyresultshaveemerged.Firstly,thereareobservabledifferencesinthespeechof males and females, specifically in the utilisation of the selected phonetic features andvocabulary choices. Statistical significance is observed in the excessive use of filled pauses andborrowedvocabularyitemsamong malepenalistsandlong turnsamongfemalepenalists. Conversely, non-filled pauses and intensifiers demonstrate qualitative significance, suggestingnotable variations in speech styles and influence of the discussed topic. Furthermore, thesedifferencescanleadtomiscommunication,mainlyinterruptions.Lastly,theuseofemotionalandcollaborative language among females and dominant, assertive, and competitive language amngmalesperpetuate genderstereotypes.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Martyr Sheikh Arab Tbesi Tebessaen_US
dc.subjectgender,vocabularychoices,phoneticfeatures,linguisticbehaviour,interactionpatterns,TVshows,gender-based stereotypes.en_US
dc.titleASociolinguisticAccountofGender in AlgerianTVShows: ThePhoneticFeaturesand VocabularyChoices ofTheWeekendShowPanelen_US
Appears in Collections:03-Letters and English Language

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