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dc.contributor.authorCHOUKAL, KHOUALDIA, Ahlen Hiba-
dc.identifier.citationجامعة العربي التبسي تبسةen_US
dc.description.abstractThe US goals of the war was to eliminate communism in Vietnam, but what happened was a great massacre of ten years with loses over 3 million, and this a guide to the brutality of American policy known as domination and control. It was only a failed war in which teenagers were killed in the age of flower, either the rich class were living a life free from tension and violence, and this what we call racism, poor lives under the legs and rich over the clouds. When the veterans have returned from war the American government received them with ease and people were spitting on them like the world war two people received them with joy and happiness. Vietnam veterans have suffered from mental diseases and physical disabilities while hundreds of them were resorted to suicide and others were drug addicts, they did not receive a good treatment. Vietnam, on the other hand, it was unquestionably America's most divisive war, and many allegations and counterclaims have been made about the solieders who fought there, much like the war itself. Surprisingly, the sheer volume of data gathered may have aided in the perpetuation of the debates, there has been so much written about these group of troops that is conceivable to locate evidence to back up their claims, practically every location is possible .As a result, different researchers have reached various results, in relation to the current situation of Vietnam Veterans. Although the US military intervention in Vietnam was unpopular, the country has learned from the conflict by altering its political strategy. Now, American is world's leading economic power and produces the most industrial goods.en_US
dc.publisherجامعة العربي التبسي تبسةen_US
dc.subjectTitle, Impact, Vietnamese, War, Social, Status, American, Veterans, Post-war, Eraen_US
dc.titleThe title The Impact of Vietnamese War on The Social Status of American Veterans In Post-war Eraen_US
Appears in Collections:03-Letters and English Language

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