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Title: Analyse sociolinguistique des phénomènes liées aux contacte des langues cas de l’émission Belmakchouf sur Al Haddaf tv.
Authors: BOUTORA, BENOUARET, Radhia. Nada
Keywords: Analyse, sociolinguistique, phénomènes, liées, aux, contacte, langues, l’émission, Belmakchouf, Al Haddaf tv.
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: جامعة العربي التبسي تبسة
Citation: جامعة العربي التبسي تبسة
Abstract: Our research theme is part of a sociolinguistic framework, specifically the communicative exchange within a media program .the title of our work is‹‹Sociolinguistic analysis of phenomena related to language contacts case of the belmakchouf program on al-haddaf tv››; we suggest we analyze the corpus including the episode of the program ‹‹belmakchouf››. To achieve this objective, we cited first, the historical overview of the sociolinguistic situation and the status of languages in Algeria .Secondly; we tried to study the theoretical and methodological concepts. And finally we analyzed our corpus. The objective is to show the linguistic diversity in a media communication situation between the Algerian speakers and the phenomenon linked to this concept .Besides; we confirmed this linguistic variation by the study and the analysis of our corpus.
URI: http//localhost:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/2944
Appears in Collections:02-Lettres et langue Française

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