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dc.contributor.authorSarra, Safa, Hadj Menia-
dc.identifier.citationجامعة العربي التبسي تبسةen_US
dc.description.abstractMythical world has become an inspiration source for artists and especially writers. That is why, they (writers), mainly through literary re-writing process, produce innumerable literature works linked, one way or another to a mythical history. In our study, de are due to focus on the literary re-writing of the myth of Oedipus by comparing the original work "the king Oedipus" by Sophocles and "Œdipe...Sans complex" re-written by Fériel Oumsalem to see if she made some changes or she remained truthful. In another part of the work, WE are going to do as psychoanalysis has serval links to literature because it is useful for discovering the unconscious side of its author.en_US
dc.publisherجامعة العربي التبسي تبسةen_US
dc.subjectLa réécriture littéraire, le monde mythique, analyse psychanalytique, inspiration.en_US
dc.titleVers une analyse psychanalytique du roman « Œdipe … sans complexe » de Fériel Oumsalem.en_US
Appears in Collections:02-Lettres et langue Française

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