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Title: The Application of Body Language in Teaching and its Role in Enhancing Vocabulary Acquisition The case of first year middle school pupils at Mecheri Mouhammed Nasser middle school –Tebessa-
Authors: Sehailia, Boussida, Soumaya Ghazela
Keywords: Application, Body, Language, Teaching, Role, Enhancing, Vocabulary, Acquisition
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: جامعة العربي التبسي تبسة
Citation: جامعة العربي التبسي تبسة
Abstract: After discovering the crucial role that it plays in first language acquisition and second language learning. Vocabulary Acquisition has been highlighted by an enormous number of literature. In classroom contexts teachers opt for certain strategies in order to improve the quality of the teaching learning process, where teachers depend on a variety of vocabulary teaching strategies in order to facilitate the learners’ acquisition of the vocabulary of the target language. The current research is a descriptive study that aims at exploring the role of body language of teacher in the acquisition of vocabulary by first year middle school pupils. It is organized into two main chapters, the first chapter is the theoretical basis about the area of interest whereas the last chapter is empirical and it is devoted to the data collection, analysis, interpretation, and discussion. This study was conducted in Mecheri Mouhammed Nacer middle school "Tebessa". It highlights the significance of using body language in ameliorating the quality of teaching-learning process. Moreover, it investigates the role of body language of teachers of English in facilitating knowledge transmission. Thus, learners’ acquisition of the words of the English language will be enhanced. The data was gathered throughout teachers’ and pupils’ questionnaires. The research examines the hypothesis that body language of teachers of English has a pivotal role in enhancing first year middle school pupils’ vocabulary acquisition, mainly, when it is used simultaneously with teachers’ verbal language. The target population of the study is 30 first year pupils and 8 teachers of English. The main findings have drawn conclusions that body language has a paramount role in developing the teaching-learning process. Additionally, when teachers use body language in parallel with their word, they create a live and visual representation of what is being taught and facilitates the learning process. As a result, their acquisition of the target languages’ words will be effectively enhanced.
URI: http//localhost:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/3904
Appears in Collections:03-Letters and English Language

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