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Title: Fingerprint Recognition and Classification
Authors: Bouguerra, Mohamed
Keywords: fingerprint; minutiae; binirization; thinning; bifurcation; termination; identification; MATLAB
بصمة الاصبع ; تفاصيل ; ثنائية ; الهيكل ; التشعب ; النهاية ; تحديد الهوية MATLAB ;
empreinte digitale ; minutie ; binarisation ; squelettisation ; bifurcation ; terminaison ; identification ; MATLAB
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Larbi Tebessi University - Tebessa
Abstract: Biometrics is one of the applications in Image processing that refers to technologies that use physiological or behavioral characteristics of the human body to determine a person's identity. The use of fingerprinting is today one of the most reliable technologies on the market to identify persons in secure systems, this technology is simple to use and easy to implement as opposed to other biometric modalities. This thesis deals with the development of a fingerprint recognition system based on minutiae points for identifying individuals. The software platform used for the implementation of the proposed work is MATLAB 2016a and the database used to perform the tests is the FVC 2002 BD1 database. The proposed system gives satisfactory results for individual identifications
URI: http//localhost:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/4755
Appears in Collections:3- إعلام آلي

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