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Title: Protection of personal data in Smart Grid using Blockchain and Edge Computing
Authors: Roumaissa, Grari
Keywords: : ;energy ;personal data. ;edge computing ;blockchain ;smart grid;
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Universite laarbi tebessi tebessa
Abstract: The deployment and development of smart networks is related to the development of network technologies in terms of the communication process, how to exchange data, and the method of protecting them in an ideal manner. Threats, this work sought to use the permission Blockchain Model in Smart Networks (PBEM-SGN) combined with advanced computing technology (Edge computing) to protect privacy and energy security that achieved optimal security to ensure that the edges of the network are really secured.
URI: http//localhost:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/822
Appears in Collections:3- إعلام آلي

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