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dc.contributor.authorAmina, Kemache-
dc.description.abstractRecently, the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), which is a remotely piloted aircraft, has developed. UAV are used in various fields such as emergency rescue, photo taking, weather, as well as military field. And other areas Due to its importance and development, it has become vulnerable to many hacker attacks, among the hacker methods using it files and malware; they are focused on communication channels and sensors, as well as the ground control station (GCS) In our work we focused on attacks on the ground control station, we used several models for the detection and prediction of malicious filesen_US
dc.description.sponsorshipMr. A. Gattalen_US
dc.publisherUniversité Larbi Tébessi Tébessaen_US
dc.subjectstation de contrôle au sol (GCS), aérons sans pilot (UAV), interface de programmation d’application (API), Apprentissage, L’extraction des caractéristiques, classification, Sélection de caractéristiqueen_US
dc.titleMalware detection and classification for GCS of UAVen_US
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