University of Tebessa

Calcul de l’énergies de vibration de la molécule HBr Par les fonctions B-splines d’ordre « 4 »

Show simple item record DJEDDI, Hayette 2022-01-31T11:56:42Z 2022-01-31T11:56:42Z 2018
dc.identifier.uri http//localhost:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/1350
dc.description.abstract In our study, we have searched about the energies of vibration and rotation with its states; of the HBr molecule, we entered a base of function taking the form of B-spline in the Schrodinger équation, using central potential of Morse en_US
dc.description.sponsorship CHABBI Kawther en_US
dc.language.iso fr en_US
dc.publisher Universite laarbi tebessi tebessa en_US
dc.subject طاقات الاھتزاز/ جزيء HBr/ الدوال على الشكل spline-B/ معادلة شرودینغر/ كمون مركزي/ مورس en_US
dc.title Calcul de l’énergies de vibration de la molécule HBr Par les fonctions B-splines d’ordre « 4 » en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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