Nuclear shell model study consists on the description of the energy spectra and
electromagnetic properties using an effective interaction compatible with the good choice of
the model space. These properties are stringent test of the interaction used.
The well-known USD (or USDA/B) interaction has a success in describing the
properties of the normal positive parity states in sd shell nuclei. The spectroscopic properties
of the negative parity intruder states as well as the normal positive parity states are well
described by the PSDPF interaction.
The main aim of this work is the use of the PSDPF interaction to describe the
complete energy spectra of both positive and negative parity states of the Sulfur, 33S, and
Phosphorus isotopes: 30P, 33-35P, then compared them to available experimental data. The
obtained results are in quite good agreement with experiment. Therefore, many predictions
were proposed. This study gives an additional credit to the PSDPF interaction