Neonicotinoids are chemicals found in many insecticides, we use them especially in
agriculture whose which to distinguish the substance imidacloprid, , the latter plays an
affective role on the central nervous system specifically the brain, on the other hand the
Melissa officinalis is a medicinal plant very known in the Mediterranean basin. The objective
of our study is to make known the effect of imidacloprid by 2 varied doses (5 mg / kg / day
and 50 mg / kg / day), on the brain metabolites such as carbohydrates, total protein lipids, on
the rate GSH and MDA also that on the enzymatic parameters GST GPX CAT and AChE, we
were interested in the swelling, the mitochondrial periiablity, and the cellular respiration, At
the same time, we are studying mixed dosages with Melissa to reach the therapeutic curative
value so we consider it as an antidote for neurological diseases.
The results obtained showed that imidacloprid has a role in increasing the ratio of
oxidative stress parameters: MDA. Protein; GST and activities at the mitochondrial level and
the decrease in the percentage of total fat and GSH GPx, AChE, regarding behavioral tests,
we recorded relatively significant differences.