The American foreign policy depends on two types of power to achieve its goals, the
first type is the hard power, it is a coercive power executed through military threats and
economic inducements and based on tangible resources such as the army or economic strength.
In contrast, the second type of power is soft power; it is a persuasive power deriving from
attraction and emulation and grounded on intangible resources such as a cultural exchange.
The close examination of the US Foreign policy showed that it was balanced between
the two types but recently there emerged a serious tendency towards the intensive use of soft
power instead of the use of the highly risky use of hard power which is becoming more and
more useless according to many US foreign policymakers, that why the position of soft power
is going up including mainly exchange programs as means of colonizing the mind instead of
colonizing the land as an expert said.
The United States of America, according to the elements of the hard and soft power that
it possesses, enjoys a high military and diplomatic position in the world, and an advanced
position with the active forces in the international system, its foreign policy affect the whole
international relations and in some cases, it dictates the policy which applies to its capabilities
to reach its interests and achieve its goals as required, and this is reflected in its diplomatic
behavior. The external system deals with units in the international system. The influence power
that characterizes the American foreign political behavior stems from the global role that the
United States of America plays extensively in international politics and even the domestic
policies of many countries of the world.
As the only superpower in the world, the United States of America has possessed since
the dissolution of the Soviet Union the ability to reshape other societies and managing
international relations with the international system in a way that aligns with its national