The nuclear shell model is one of the most important models describing the structure of the nucleus in terms of energy spectra and electromagnetic properties.
Nuclei in the sd region are a good test for many basic models, such as shell model. These nuclei are characterized by the coexistence, at low excitation energies, of normal positive- and intruder negative- parity states. The description of normal positive parity states has been done using the well-known USD or USDA/B effective interactions. The PSDPF interaction describes, in a consistent way, the normal positive- and intruder negative- parity states.
The main aim of this work is the use of the PSDPF interaction to describe the complete energy spectra of both positive- and negative- parity states of 26Al and 27Al, and then compared them to available experimental data. The calculation of the electromagnetic transitions of the first excited states has been also carried out. The obtained results are in good agreement with experiment, up to high excitation energies.