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Identification de traits de personnalité, documents manuscrits, charnières des contours, forêts aléatoires, machines à vecteurs de support, algorithme de boosting adaptatif. (1)
Identification de traits de personnalité, documents manuscrits, longueurs de segments, directions des contours, charnières des contours, coefficients autorégressifs, réseaux de neurones artificiels. (1)
Identification de traits de personnalité, graphologie, documents manuscrits, réseau de neurones convolutifs, augmentation des données, l'apprentissage en profondeur. (1)
IDS , détection de vers , algorithmes d'optimisation , ANN , algorithme de graine d'arbre , optimisation d'essaim de particules , algorithmes génétiques. (1)
IDS , worm detection , optimisation algorithms, ANN , Tree seed algorithm , particle swarm optimisation , genetic algorithms (1)
Image classification, image processing, computer vision, machine learning, features computing. (1)
Image compression is required in a variety of situations. Unfortunately, artifacts emerge whenever a lossy compression method is utilized. Image artifacts, which are created by compression, tend to remove high-frequency detail while also adding noise or minor image structures in some circumstances. Several technologies have been employed to refine picture compression methods in order to lessen their impact on the human or software user's ability to appreciate images. We attempted to investigate ways of combining machine learning methods with one of the deep learning approaches, specifically convolution networks for picture compression, in this master's thesis. Indeed, for this assignment, we employed a technique based on Run Length Encoding and a quantification vector combined with a Convolution Autoencoder, which was efficient and based on principles. Our method produces more detailed images than generic methods and other machine learning methods combined with deep learning. (1)
Image compression, Cryptography, Crypto-compression, Stream Cipher, RLE., définissent une représentation approximative de l'information. (1)
image compression, encryption, DWT, Block Cipher, crypto_compression (1)
Image Compression, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Run Length Encoding, Vector Quantization, Convolution AutoEncoder (1)