Teucrium PoliumL is a species of the spontaneous Algerian flora. In addition,
It is a medicinal plant Aromatic belonging to the family of lamiaceae, widely used in traditional medicine for many pathologies.
The objective of this work is to conduct a search for chemical compound contained in the plant studied, by phytochemical examination. These tests are based on colorimetry, precipitation, fluorescence, etc.
The extracts used for the tests will be obtained by boiling at reflux, for one hour of 50g of the plant material in 300ml of solvent, followed by a filtration of the mixture (aqueous extract, ethanolic extract, etheric extract).
Extraction has been completed at the leaves to extract poly-phenols, we used solvents of different polarity (petroleum ether, dichloro-methane, ethyl acetate, n-butanol) to extract the maximum of these compounds and let them dry.
The study of the antioxidant activity has been tested by two methods: the measurement of the trapping capacity of the free radical DPPH and the measurement of the reducing power of the iron using ascorbic acid as standard for both methods.
The results showed an antioxidant activity of acetate extract is very important (the biggest) than other extracts.The antioxidant capacity of the studied extracts is classified in the following decreasing order: ethyl acetate> N-butanol> aqueous> dichloromethane
Finally, the hydrolats (hydrolats of leaves 4h and 6h, hydrolate of the roots 4h) do not have an antioxidant activity, according to the results obtained.Except hydrolative of 6H roots, that has an important antioxidant capacity.