Our workwascarried out to assess the impact of essential oilextractedfrom Eucalyptus globulus on the nutritional indices of a stock pestTrogodermegranarium.
The Hydrodistillation of eucalyptus globulusleaves gave a yield of 3.40 1%, whichwastested via fumigation on severalparameters of Trogodermagranariumlarvae
In terms of toxicity: allowed to determine the insecticidal power of our essential oil by fumigation against the larvae of Trogodermagranariumatdifferentperiods. The essential oilrevealsatoxiceffectthat affects 82% to 100% of people withhigh doses.
Repulsive power: the repletion test carried out by the method of MC Donald et al. (1970), demonstrated the repellency of ouroilagainst T. granariumlarvae. Our oilisclassedamongveryrepellentoils.
Antifeedant power and nutritional indices: to assess the of our essential oil on the nutritional indices of T. granarium by testing RGR, RCR, ECI and FDI.
On the biochemicallevel: allowed to determine the variations in metabolicreserves (carbohydrates, lipids and proteins) according to the treatment by fumigation with the twolethal concentrations (LC25 and LC50). The productrelatively affects thesebiochemicalparametersduring the testedperiod (24h).
Biomarkers: which are used to identify the efficiency of ouroil on oxidative stress biomarkers, GSH and GST and the activity of acetylcholine, AChEduring the testedperiod.
Digestive enzymes: Protease, lipase, chitinase and α-amylase are the four digestive enzymes chosen for the assay.