Nuclear shell model has been implanted to describe the energy spectra and electromagnetic transitions of a selected region of nuclei, using an effective interaction compatible with the chosen valence space.
In the last years, the region of sd nuclei has been the interesting subject of many experimental and theoretical researches. The basic features of these nuclei are the co-existence of normal positive parity states and intruder negative parity states at low excitation energies.
The USD (USDA/USDB) interactions describe correctly the normal positive parity states. On the other hand, the PSDPF interaction describes well the normal positive- and intruder negative- parity states.
The main aim of this work is the calculation of the spectroscopic properties of 28Si, specifically, levels that has an astrophysical interest and the calculation of the electromagnetic transitions of the first excited states.
The obtained results will be compared to experimental data and a detailed discussion will be presented.