This handout covers first year Licence Written Comprehension and Expression
syllabus, including parts of speech, word combination, mechanics of writing, writing
problems, constituents of a paragraph, the writing process, and different types of paragraphs.
The handout also engages students in constructing knowledge and in practicing what
they have studied. Thus, the handout is a rich, theoretical resource that guides students in
their learning, but it presents its content in simple language that all students with different
levels can easily get access to.
Besides, the handout is a practical guide that allows students to have hands-on
practice, so they do not only get exposed to content, but they can assimilate what they have
learnt as well.
Finally, this handout is the basis behind the foundation of a handout for L2 Written
Comprehension and Expression. Indeed, students’ ability to write paragraphs paves the way
to delve deep into writing larger compositions, including essays and their different types.